Tuesday, February 21, 2017

green eyes

it's one in the morning and i cant stop thinking about how you used to comb your hair back when you thought no one was watching. you were sweet and innocent then, unpossessed by the darkness of your past, but lifted in the brightness of your present. when you woke up to stay alive until tomorrow instead of falling asleep with the hopes of never waking up.

i miss how your eyes were green and bright. they’re hazel now, dull and colorless. they say the drugs are what changed you but you and i know that you didn’t change. you just gave in. you just gave up. you just found a sweet girl that would hold your hand while the rest of you fell apart. you left because you knew i’d try to put you back together.

it's three in the morning and i hate that i wish it was three years ago. when my eyes were dull and my blood vessels were broken but your eyes sparkled and your touch seemed to heal all my wounds. i hate that i loved myself more when i was broken because when i was broken you were happy. because when i was broken..... you were happy.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

too little too much

tell me, is my makeup too heavy or am i not wearing enough?
are my breats too big?
is my ass too small?
do i say too much when i'm around you or am i so quiet that you forget i'm there?
are my outfits too loud?
are my lips too small?
do i care too much or were you always wanting more?
should i have kissed away my feelings?
should i have kept them all inside?
was my love too much or was it never enough?

because i don't understand why you could never love me back.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

untitled no.1

i’ll give you my chalice if you give me your bitter cup
i would rather drink your poison if it meant you could be healed with my water
rest your crown of thorns upon my head and i’ll adorn your hair with flowers
let me take the pain off of your mind so you can see how soft the petals are
i will dress you in my finest silks if you let me take the lashes from your whip
you already have so many scars and i won't mind having a few more
i’ll be nailed to your cross if it means you’ll get to lie under the stars
let me take all of your pain, for i love you too much to watch you bleed

Monday, October 17, 2016

heart of black

i once loved a man that never loved me back
he only loved my rose colored lips and the small of my back
but i wanted his heart more than i wanted my own
so i gave him my all, my flesh and my bones
used and abused, his soft touch made me bleed
my skin ain’t as soft as it once used to be
and even though my heart of gold had faded to black
i always went back, i always went back
but as the years went on his touch became cold
his eyes became dark, his hands i could not hold
next thing i knew his nails had turned to claws
his touch began to hurt me, left me covered in scars
but i didn’t want to leave him because i knew his "heart"
the abuse wasn’t his fault, he was just "falling apart"
maybe if i loved him more i could save him, just a shred
but he was so far gone, the man i once loved was dead
my black heart he once held he now dropped on the floor
like he never even cared for me, that i was just his whore
i was used and abused, he made me bleed from every pore
my skin now dyed from all the red and now so soft just like velour
and though i have a shattered heart as black and dark as coal
i’ll always love what was left of his soul,
i’ll always love what was left of his soul

for colby

Monday, May 23, 2016


when i am around you
my senses dull and blend
life becomes an impressionistic painting
colors bleed into each other
the lights feel warm and soft
the darkness seems to fade
i can’t make out your face
but i can feel you touch me
your fingers glide against my skin
like ballerinas sweeping across a stage
everything i see is red and black and gold
but in this moment your eyes are hazel
right now, in this moment
your eyes are hazel

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

a letter to those suffering with ptsd

to whomever it may concern,

you have lived through hell, and you barely escaped with your life and with your sanity. you feel that you have lost all sense of safety, security, and that you have been stripped to the core of what is left of your humanity. you are at you lowest level of existence. you feel as though you have nothing to live for, because they took all that you had. and now you feel as if your body is empty, that your mind is gone. you feel as though you had been cheated the luxury of death, because now you have to live with the aftermath of it all. you have to pick up all the shattered pieces of yourself and try to put them back together, but the shards are so small and there are so many of them that you inevitably lose a few, and you realize that you will never be whole the same way you were before. you are beaten and bruised, you're covered in fresh wounds. the wounds weep blood and pus and no matter how much disinfectant you use, they never get clean, they never heal. i wish i could tell you that with time they will scab over and disappear. i wish i could tell you that with time you will forget the pain, that you will sleep comfortably every night. but that is not the case, your wounds will only scab over, and if you’re lucky they will leave behind scars. hideous, mangled scars. and the scars will never fade, the scars will become tattoos upon the skin of your soul, never to be removed. 

your wounds won’t heal quickly, it will take years, maybe lifetimes before they start to seal. and sometimes when you think the pain is gone, a trigger will rip open the wound, making it feel fresh again. the triggers will catch you when you least expect it, and they will send you into a tailspin and all you can do it try to breathe deeply, and wait for it to be over. you will always have nightmares. you will never get a full night's sleep again, but the moon will be there to comfort you when the terrors keep you up. she will become your best friend. and your friends and family will never understand what you are going through. they will try to comfort you and express their sympathy, but they will never know how you feel, they will never know how to make you feel safe and secure because you never will again no matter how hard they try. and over time they will forget what happened to you, they will assume that you have healed and moved on, but you never will.  for a long time the you won’t feel a thing. you will cry all the time, usually in private so know one knows your suffering. you will want people to see you as strong, even though you could fall apart at the slightest touch. you will numb yourself in anyway you can just to dull the pain. you won’t exist for pleasure and experience, you will only exist for survival. 

this existence will feel as though it will last for an eternity, but over time your other needs will be met, you will find a way to live. and the pain and suffering will always be there, but they will dull over time. the wounds will still be there, but they won’t weep like they used to. the triggers will torment you, but you will learn how to breathe. the terrors will haunt you, but you will have the moon at your side. you will always cry, but the tears will always run dry. i wish i could tell you that this will all go away, but it never will. all that will change is you. so just be patient with yourself, let time take it’s toll. with time you will learn how to live through the pain. with time you will learn how to sleep at night again. with time you will learn how to love again. i promise.


Saturday, March 19, 2016

a list of feelings i've had as a woman

when lightning strikes in the afternoon and doesn't make sound, and you're sitting by the window in nothing but an old, oversized sweater and panties and everything is calm
everything is calm inside of you even when your surroundings are in utter chaos
and you didn't brush your hair that morning and you feel more beautiful now than you ever did before

when you're sitting on the floor in front of your mirror and you're slowly applying your makeup and it's never looked more perfect
and all you're wearing is a stained t shirt and your chill playlist is humming softly in the background and you sing along to every word
you have no agenda, no where to go, but you get ready anyway because the brushes feel so good on your skin

when you've had a long hard cry and your eyes are red and swollen and you can feel the dried tears that have stained your face and neck
and your heart beat slows down enough for you to make sense of all the emotions
and after a few minutes you start to laugh as the endorphins kick in after all the turmoil, reminding you that your body will always love and care for the soul it protects

when you see yourself after a shower, hair stringy and long, water dotted across your skin making your look like a galaxy
when your cheeks are flushed with roses and your body curves like botticelli's venus
and you can't help but take in your own imperfect beauty and for once you feel whole

when you see another woman across the street, walking with purpose and with a spark in her eye
you look at her and you already know that she is living her dream
and you feel a strong sense of kinship, that one of your own has made it, that you are proud to call yourself a woman too

when you see your mother after a long hard day, and she can see the burdens weighing down your eyes and she takes you into her arms
she has carried the same burdens you have, but she doesn't have to tell you because you already know
and she lets you put down you bags, hang up your coat, and lay in her arms till you're strong enough to get up and face the world again

when you're bleeding with the moon for what feels like the thousandth time and you wish it never happened to you in the first place
but then it hits you, the realization that you can create life within you, that you are the keystone to all life on earth
and when you see the red you smile, for it helps you remember what you are capable of

when you stand at the shore and you can feel the ocean kiss the sand beneath your feet
and the breeze dances through your hair and the clouds enfold you like a soft, cool blanket
you are all alone, yet at the same time you are with the universe in all it's complexity and all it's simplicity
and the universe reminds you who you are, that you are it's daughter, that you are everything and nothing all at once
that you are everything she is